Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hi! Merry Christmas to everyone from the European Weight Loss Centre, to everyone who has started their weight loss journey or are just about to. Keep following our blog (and tell your friends) as we will be posting weekly tips and updates on weight loss, particularly for those with the Gastric Balloon or Gastric Band.

Have a Great Christmas.

European Weight Loss Centre Ltd - EWLC

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

New Year's Resolutions

How many of us make New Year's resolutions year after year and we never seem to stick to them? Perhaps the most common ones are a) Joining that gym you drive/walk past every day b) Starting yet another failed diet  c) Stop smoking d) Cut down on alcohol consumption e) Make more time to visit family / friends f) Find a new job, etc, etc.... the list is endless.

At the European Weight Loss Centre Ltd EWLC in Prague, we will naturally leave the majority of the typical 'New Year's resolutions' listed above, for further discussion, away from this blog.

Instead, here, we will focus on the new diet you will start, or the new weight loss goals you will set for the coming year. The truth is that most people do not succeed with their weight loss resolutions for a large number of reasons and the majority of people making 'weight loss' resolutions will have tried (and possibly failed) year after year. The Christmas and New Year holiday period is widely regarded as the most popular time to make a commitment to weight loss, second only to getting ready for a summer bikini body.

So why do most people fail? Well the answers and possible reasons for this could run to several pages, but we'll keep it short: In a large number of cases when we look at clinically and morbidly obese people the reason is often because more substantial intervention is required, than mere will power alone, as we are all faced with so many temptations and often live busy lives where our patterns are set. This is usually a recipe for failure when it comes to substantial weight loss for obese people.

At The European Weight Loss Centre Ltd in Prague (EWLC) we understand this and we highlight the fact that the simple truth is that many people need some additional form of intervention other than a new 'fad' diet which may, produce a short term gain, as a result of lots of very hard work, denial and feeling miserable in the process - only to find a few weeks later once 'off' the diet, that the weight starts to pile on again!

So what can be done in these cases? Is there an effective and lasting alternative to 'fad' 'miracle' or 'starvation' diets?

Well the answer is, you guessed it, a resounding YES!

At EWLC: The European Weight Loss Centre Ltd in Prague, we offer 2 primary procedures which have been tried and tested in countless studies and which are being used by many thousands of people around the world, right now, as you read this.

They are: The Gastric Band and The Gastric Balloon (these procedures have helped change the lives of literally hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, when all else has failed).

At EWLC, The European Weight Loss Centre Ltd, in Prague, we offer both of these clinically proven procedures at fabulous prices, carried out by board certified clinical experts in the field of Bariatric (weight loss) surgery (including non-surgical where appropriate).

Our Gastric Balloon and Gastric Band packages in Prague are widely recognised as amongst the most competitive and comprehensive available, anywhere, along with our first class after care.

To take the next step towards a new (lighter) you simply email us at:
or visit
or call us on 0845 346 0246 (00 845 346 0246 if outside the UK)

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you to achieve your goals!

Happy Holidays

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Winter and Weight Loss

It's that time of year again, the time of year when we all want to wrap up warm and some of us seem to crave extra carbohydrates. Of course, in general it may be easier to lose weight in the summer months as we tend to spend more time active outdoors, but that does not mean that winter need inevitably lead to extra unwanted pounds. Here are some great tips and pointers on how to keep off those extra pounds during the cold season:

Friday, 19 November 2010

Obesity Gene: Fact of Fiction?

Once again, it has been said that there is an obesity gene which makes some people want to eat more and makes some people fat.

This is a controversial subject which has been raised many times, not least because if it is indeed fact then more work needs to be done in this field AND if it is not proven, conclusively, many people may simply capitulate, give up, thinking it is their fate and destiny to be fat, obese and overweight, thus making no changes to their lifestyle or diet/exercise and potentially harming themselves in the process, stacking up lots of very serious health problems (and even shortened lifespans).

Is it fact or fiction? What do you think?  At The European Weight Loss Centre Ltd (EWLC), we remain impartial as there are so many scientific and anecdotal conflicting views. It would be nice if we could blame it simply on a gene, but what about those who don't have 'the gene' (if it truly exists) and are obese because of their lifestyle choices?  Have a look at this article:

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

The European Weight Loss Centre Ltd - EWLC, in Prague

Hi Everyone, so now we have our blog up and running at last. Stop by our Offical website at, basically we're all about weight loss (surgical and non-surgical procedures) and our clinic is in Prague staffed by our wonderful world class team, check us out! :-))